Holiday Resource Bank

Holiday Resource Bank

Your Comprehensive Jewish Holiday Education Guide

Tu B’Shvat

Tu B’Shvat Seder – Ellen Bernstein

Tu B’Shvat Anthology – Jewish National Fund

Connections: new liturgy, poetry, and art for Tu BiShvat – Bayit


Fair Trade Chocolate Hamentaschen recipe and information about Hamentaschen. – Fair Trade Judaica

Havruta in Art Purim ProjectGuidelines (Compiled)Text, Art Project Directions & Photos – Vavi Toran, Jewish LearningWorks

Klal Yisrael song about Esther and Haman with Lyrics: Page 1 Page 2, Purim BoardPurim Study Buddy – Hebrew Wizards – Deborah Salomon

Purim resources – Jewish Learning Matters Website

Purim Parade Song – Carol Boyd Leon, Singer/Songwriter

Purim Time is Here Song – Joanie Calem, Singer/Songwriter

Purim Schpiel/Play (Sung to the songs from Wicked) – Joe Shansky, Temple Habonim in Barrington, RI

Stomp, Stomp, Stomp Song – Karen Daniel, Singer/Songwriter

Purim Resources – The Lookstein Center

The material above was donated to NewCAJE for distribution in our Holiday Swap. We take no responsibility for it and it is the sole property of the person attributed to it. You have permission to use the material if you mention the creator in all written forms you use.


A Closer Look at Charoset – Rabbi Cherie Koller-Fox

B’tzeit Yisrael – Stu Lewis

The Best New Haggadot & The Best Of All Time – The Forward

Creative Passover Seder Discussion – Rabbi Ami Hersh & others

Dayenu! A Tot Passover Song (Preschool) – Carol Boyd Leon

The Four Questions by the Hebrew Wizards – Rabbi Deborah Salomon

Four Feminist Objectives for Your Passover Seder – Forward

Family Jew’d– Passover based Family Feud game – Amy Ripps and Andy Neusner

Family Seder – The Pardes Center for Jewish Educators

Freedom – A Resource for Pesach – Limmud Chavruta Project

HIAS Haggadah

HIAS’ Passover Resources on Refugees

Many Ways to Tell Our Story – JOFA

Maror (Bitter herbs), a Passover Animation – Hanan Harchol

Next Year Free a curriculum about Modern Slavery for K-Adult – Rabbi Debra Orenstein & Rabbi Erin Hirsh

Next Year in a Just World: Global Justice Haggadah – American Jewish World Service

Nut Free Charoset – Ronni Sims

Passover Board Game – Ellen Berman & Ashley Smith (Click here for instructions.)

Passover Card Games –

Passover Resources – Jewish Educator Journal

Passover Resources – Jewish Food Hero

Passover Resources –  Jewish Learning Matters- Emily Aronoff Teck

Passover Resources – JTeach- Linda Slonin

Pesach Companion – maharat

Pesach Resource Pack – National Library of Israel

Shema Bekolah – JOFA

Shlemiel Crooks Book & Play – Anna Olswanger
– Shlemiel Crooks Family Discussion Guide
– Shlemiel Crooks Classroom Guide

Social Justice Haggadahs –  JewSchool

Ten Plagues– Lisa Baydush

Ten Plagues in Egypt Land song – Ellen Allard

Twitter Haggadah – David Schwartz

What’s Jewish about Fair Trade? – Fair Trade Judaica

Waiting for their Passover – Fair Trade chocolate and Dorshei Tzedek of Boston, MA


Shavuot Resources – The Jewish Educator Journal

10 Rules, A Counting Song about the Torah – Miss Emily

Shavuot Pilgrimage – Limmud Chavruta Project

Shavuot Study Guide – Chai Mitzvah & Project Aseret


Tishrei Resource Book


2014 Hanukah Curriculum Packet – With entries from Meyer Levin, Peninnah Schram, Rachel Silverman, Cherie Koller-Fox, Barbara Mollin Lerner, Joe Fendel, Amy Ripps, & Harvard Hillel Children’s School

Instructions for Playing the Chanukah Board Game
by Ellen Berman and web developed by Ashley Smith
1) Choose a game piece from the left side of the board. (You can click and drag it to the START.)
2) Click on the spinner to find out how many spaces you can move.
3) Click on Draw a card to get your trivia question
4a) If you get a Discussion Question, read the question out loud, answer it, and click CLOSE on the question, and then move your game piece based on the number you got on the spinner.
4b) If you get a Multiple Choice Question, read the question and multiple answers out loud, choose your answer, click Show answer to see if you were correct. (And click x to close the trivia card.) If you got the right answer, you move forward the number of spaces you got on the spinner. If you got the wrong answer, you stay where you are until your next turn. (I personally help the kids and let them move forward anyway.)
5) You win if you get to the You Win space or if you get the farthest for the amount of time you have to play!
Note: The rules above are one way to play the game. You might make slightly different rules with your classes or friends/family if you choose to do so.
**To Play on Zoom: Whoever shares the game page on Zoom does the spinning, draws the cards, and moves the pieces.

Behrman House Hanukah Resources – Behrman House

Hanukah and Miracles – Created by Cherie Koller-Fox

Kikayon Chanukah Shpiel for kids – SAMPLER – Submitted by David Smolar
This is a sampler of the program, including the full introductory pages and a few of the character signs for the kid players [so everyone remembers who’s playing what].  Contact David Smolar at to purchase the full PDF of the program (instant download for $20). 

The Legend of the Key – Hanukah Lesson Plan taken from “Out of Spain” learning materials – centered upon the history and customs of the Mediterranean Jews. Suitable for students of the fifth grade or up (can be used for younger children). Submitted by Andree Brooks

NewCAJE Hanukah Song Playlist

Story & Recipe from the Jewish Holiday Cookbook by Gloria Kaufer Greene – Submitted by Lisa Kritz