Our FAQ’s

Overview & Conference FAQ

Conference Schedule
We are compiling workshop, vendor, and entertainment proposals to curate the best possible conference programming for our attendees. Once the schedule is finalized, we will announce it via email and our website.
  • The NewCAJE 16th annual conference will take place from Monday, June 23rd, to Thursday, June 26th, 2025, at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • There will be no Shabbat programming at this conference. 
  • Early arrival on Sunday, June 22nd, is available with dorm room accommodations.
  • Dorm rooms will NOT be available on Thursday evening after the conference.
  • All of the buildings on the Goucher Campus are ADA compliant. The campus is small and the buildings we are using are all within a short walk of each other. Sessions will be split between two adjacent buildings. 
  • We will be offering convenient golf cart transportation between the dorm buildings, the dining hall, and classrooms. Those staying in the hotel, they are offer a free shuttle service that 
  • NewCAJE will be renting mobility scooters on behalf of attendees who request them in the registration form. 
  • For specific accommodation needs, contact Primo at primo@newcaje.org. 
  • Registration is now live! Click the link to access the registration page: NewCAJE 16 Registration
  • Early arrival pricing for the conference is available until March 24th, 2025.
  • To receive a workshop proposal application, complete the registration form and fill out the designated section requesting one. After submitting your registration, you will receive the application. Once you submit the workshop form, a NewCAJE staff member will contact you to discuss your proposal.


Complete the registration form and fill out the entertainment proposal section. After submitting your registration, a NewCAJE staff member will contact you to discuss your proposal. You will be asked to describe the type of entertainment you are proposing, and if this is your first time performing at NewCAJE, you will need to provide a link to an example of your work.

  • No you don’t need to stay on campus but the Goucher dorm rooms are more affordable than the local hotels and are a close walk to the rest of the conference. 
  • Alternatively, there is a hotel, Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel, that is the official hotel of NewCAJE16 and will be hosting our evening programming in their ballroom.
  • Commuters will have plenty of time in the morning to drive to campus and join us before daytime programming begins.
  • At NewCAJE we learn from each other and from experts from the field. The program committee is busy accepting workshops and putting together an excellent conference for you.
  • We will send periodic emails with presenters and their topics but in order to make sure the program is up-to-date we won’t publish the final program until the end of May, 2025.
  • If you want to get a good idea of what the programs are like, look at past conference books in the “Past Conferences” tab on our website.
  • You will find a section on the registration form where you can offer to assist NewCAJE either before or during the conference and let us know what you can do to help.  A NewCAJE staff will reach out to discuss how you can help. 
  • If you didn’t fill in the volunteer section on your form and still wish to volunteer  contact Primo Catalano, the conference director, at primo@newcaje.org. 

Depending on demand, we will offer a couple of daily options. There will be no Shabbat Programming.

  • There will be no Shabbat Programming offered this year at NewCAJE16.
  • All food served at NewCAJE16 will be certified Kosher, adhering to the kashrut standards under rabbinic supervision of a mashgiach.
  • There is no dress code at NewCAJE. Many will be in casual clothes; others feel the need to dress more professionally. Please respect everyone, as this is an inclusive and pluralistic event.

Click here for packing list suggestions.

  • You can submit your commemorative word, or we can write it for you. Either way, send your commemoration to us via email at info@newcaje.org. We need to know the address for the next of kin and what they did in the Jewish world.  We will include commemorations in our program book. Please fill out this form by early May so we’ll have time to put it in the book before it goes to print.

If you have any questions about registration or are having technical difficulties, please get in touch with our conference director Primo Catalano at primo@newcaje.org or call him at 402-765-8884

  • If you’re interested in applying for sponsoring an event, advertising or exhibiting at NewCAJE16 and are also interested in attending the event as an attendee, fill out the registration and fill out the section requesting information about vending, advertising or exhibiting. A NewCAJE staff will reach out to discuss your options with you. 
  • If you are looking to sponsoring an event, advertising or exhibiting at NewCAJE16 with OUT participating as an attendee contact NewCAJE at info@newcaje.org